Reward and Recognition

Learning Program Grads

From Left to Right: Maletha Jordan, Mary Secrest, Nicola Walker, Bonita Russell.

Emory Learning Services offers an outstanding program that nurtures professional and personal growth.

The goal of each of the programs is to "challenge and stretch the participants to uncover their potential and to begin the journey of professional enrichment at Emory."

The graduation ceremony was held on September 19 in the Cox Hall Ballroom and the guest speaker was Mike Mandl (Emory Executive Vice President, Finance and Administration).

The following OIT employees recently completed the Learning & Organizational Development Program.

OIT mentors in the program included Felicia Bianchi (PMO), Jay Flanagan (Infrastructure), Mark Kawasaki (Integration), Phil Shaw (PMO) and Trisha Wilson (PMO).

Please join us all in congratulating these graduates!

Call Center Kudos and Initiatives

"The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential...these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence." - Confucius

Barbara Bryant, Gwyn Cantlow, Nicole Chandler, and Sharon Rose (Call Center) all received accolades from external customers for outstanding service recently.

This month, we plan to embark on a new training initiative for our staff.

We created an internal training course to help open the door to the world of call center leadership. The objective of the program is "to build the skills and knowledge of our specialists for their own personal benefit as well as potential leadership positions in the future.

Our hope is to groom the specialists to easily transition into future leadership roles that will help keep the business operating with the same values, strategies and work ethic."

Six specialists have either been selected or volunteered to take the training, which will span over 4 months and be conducted by Mary Secrest (Call Center) and myself in our training facility. The specialists that are currently enrolled in the program are: Nicole Chandler, Liteacha Davis, Nichelle Dooley, Maletha Jordan, Tabatha Pirtle, and Nicola Walker (all of the Call Center). They have already had their first session (Introduction to Quality From a Caller's Perspective) and are very excited to continue with the program.

- Bonita Russell, Manager, Call Center

Service Desk Kudos

"To cheer or not to cheer? What a stupid question!!" - anonymous

A great part of our success is due to training and supporting documentation (i.e. Reference Guide and Knowledge Articles). These two bits of recognition below are great examples of TEAMWORK and a testament to Together-Everyone-Achieves-More!

The following message was sent to the Service Desk by Jason Stanaland (Infrastructure):

Chart of Paging ticketsIf my ServiceNow report is correct (filtered on CI = Paging Service, Category 1 = Messaging and Communications, Actual Date/Time = Last 6 Months), we have seen our ticket load drop by approximately 50% this month, compared to last month! If I were to say we spend approximately 10 minutes on each ticket, that means your team has already saved us over 12 hours of work over the course of the month, and we are only halfway through the month! (The graphic above shows that Paging Service incidents are trending downward as a result of excellent training.)

I view this as a huge success story for the Service Desk. I think we have worked well together collaboratively as a team to accomplish this, and I look forward to continuing to work with you all in the future.

Thanks so much for all of your help and support!

Please join me in congratulating Geneva McCants (Enterprise Services) for the huge kudos received from Marisa Benson (PMO), Felicia Bianchi (POM), Brett Coryell (UTS), Rich Mendola (OIT) for her time spent and work on the Unified Messaging project:

"Your work during the go-live weekend was exceptional: you took the lead with the Service Desk to make sure tickets were handled quickly and efficiently. The commitment you showed to your project colleagues and to completing a job well and on time was obvious to all. You are a valued staff member in University Technology Services. We all appreciate your continued work on behalf of our division and thank you for your exceptional effort on this project." - Marisa Benson

Way to go Geneva! Keep up the good work!

- Sharon Gregory, Service Desk Manager, Enterprise Services